OPEN for Pickup and Purchase : Monday Oct 28th : 3-6 o'clock (or a wee bit later)

Specialty Cattle

Arrowhead Beef proudly features the coveted Parthenais cattle breed.

(pronounced “Parthany”)


Parthenais cattle are unique in that they perform exceptionally well on the native grass and forage diet found in the temperate pastures of NW Florida. Parthenais is a vintage French breed of cattle first herd-booked in1893, with agriculture fair pictures dating from the 1860’s.  Once reserved for aristocrats and noblemen of the Gilded Age, “le Parthenais” is world renowned for yielding exceptionally lean and tender beef.  As the French Breed Society notes… “Uneviande hors du common”…which translates to “a cut above the rest”.

Today, Parthenais registries are kept in Ireland, Canada and now, the US. Please visit to learn more about the Parthenais cattle.

Cows are culled intensively, as well as bulls. The calving ability of each cow is assessed, noting the growth quality of the calf, with the poorer producers eliminated to slaughter. The process continues with the second and third calves.

The females that make it through the third calf now have documented proof of their transmitting ability, their high fertility, and good maternal characteristics. Only the top females at this stage are retained as breeding stock.

Of these, a select few…because of the conformation and performance…attain the status of “elite” cows. It is from these elite cows that breeding bull selections are made.